Monday, August 25, 2008


What should I do while the kids are at school??? Perhaps catch up on this:

I just have to add this for fun. The other day Caleb and I were napping on my bed. Sophie decided to join us. Scott captured the moment.

5 people said:

SPARKY said...

it must be so weird to not have little people under foot all day. what WILL you do with all that time. forget the laundry, catch up on some shows :O)

Anonymous said...

thanks for always keeping the kids & I in clean clothes! I appreciate ALL you do!!!

Candace Sweigart said...

That dog is so darn cute! I love the bsu outfit. You know, that laundry was SO organized and well sorted. That is usually the furthest along I get with my laundry chore. Ugh! I hate laundry.

Candace Sweigart said...

That dog is so darn cute! I love the bsu outfit. You know, that laundry was SO organized and well sorted. That is usually the furthest along I get with my laundry chore. Ugh! I hate laundry.

Kim said...

We must think a bit alike -- the first few days the kids were back at school school I CLEANED my house -- phew... now I won't feel so guilty for doing 'me' things, lol :)K