Thursday, April 3, 2008

Am I weird? I think so.

I don't know why, but when I have gone grocery shopping I can't wait for Scott to get home so I can show him all the good stuff I bought. I actually have to take him to the fridge, freezer, and each door, and make sure he SEES all the stuff I bought. I don't know why I do it. I think part of it is because a lot of the stuff I buy, I buy special for him. Maybe it's because it's the closest I will ever come to being the "hunter" bringing food home for my family. I just get so excited about the stuff I bought and I want him to be excited too. He is so sweet to humor me each time. He will walk through with me and let me point out all the things I am excited to show him. I'm such a dork!

Another thing about grocery shopping...I can never figure out what to eat after I have gone shopping. There is so much to choose from. I want to eat a little bit of everything. I am bad at being decisive anyway, but when there are SO MANY choices, I'm doomed!

So, there you have it. I am a grocery weirdo.

8 people said:

hot potato said...

that's actually endearing. it's what makes you, you. plus, your husband wouldn't want it any other way.

i love the "next morning" after i grocery shop. it's the best feeling when i don't have to be creative i can just go shopping from my own kitchen for breakfast.


Louisiana Belle said...

I get giddy over groceries, too. It just makes everything else seem under control- the security of knowing that I could cook a great meal for my family without having to run out to "pick up a few things."

Anonymous said...

I remember talking about this at home teams :) You are too funny. I don't have to show Jeff what I bought, I pretty much buy the same thing everytime. Although I do like to show the kids treats/snacks I got them. I do feel the same about not knowing what to eat and feeling like I need to eat a little of everything. Grocery day is always a good day :)

Mama Lisa said...

your funny lady. i think it's sweet.

Candace Sweigart said...

I'm totally with you on this one! Only I HIDE the goodies from Ciege so that I can ration them out carefully. But when I get home from shopping, my favorite reward is to sample a bit of everything :)

Dionna said...

Love your new look. How did you get a background on here?

Unknown said...

i AM obsessed with the satisfaction that comes from a full pantry and fridge. and i love to have lots of "beverage" choices. i like options and my husband MUST have them. difference between you and i though is that i grab rich to show him "where" everything is to eat. otherwise, we could have just gone shopping and i'd hear...what's there to eat? :O)

Kim said...

You're so cute! My guy's usually home when I go get groceries, so he gets the pleasure (?) of unpacking them. I haven't grocery shopped for almost 2 weeks - crazy! Our meals have been (uh humm) interesting...